Wedding of
Adam Browne and Amanda Smith


Adam Browne and Amanda Smith met when both were students at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky. After graduation, Adam joined the army and became a second lieutenant. Amanda is from Flatwood, Kentucky so they decided to get married in Ashland near the Ohio and West Virginia borders.



13 July 2007


Gathering in the hotel
Family members from Eastern Kentucky and from Louisville gathered at the Ashland hotel early in the afternoon
Rehearsal at the church
At 5:30 PM, all gathered at the Normal Presbyterian Church for a rehearsal for the wedding ceremony tomorrow
Rehearsal dinner
After the rehearsal both families went to a rehearsal dinner at the hotel. Here Amanda gives gifts to members of the wedding party.

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14 July 2007


Trying on uniform jacket
Adam found out two days before the wedding that his dress uniform jacket didn't fit after he gained weight after finishing officer training. Here he checks the results of a quick trip to a tailor.
Setting up the reception
The main task for the morning of the wedding day was for the two families to set up and decorate the hall that was used for the wedding reception. Many hands made light work.
The wedding ceremony
The ceremony was held at the Normal Presbyterian Church where Rev. Susan Alley is the pastor. Adam's sister Emily (left) was the maid of honor. Derek Otto was the best man.
Adam and Amanda at the reception
The reception was held in the Ashland Museum, a very interesting location that delighted the younger children with its many historical exhibits. Here Adam helps Amanda with a problem with her veil.
Some of the reception guests
The two families were very comfortable with each other and that made an enjoyable experience at the reception.

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